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Fluoride treatment is applying fluoride to your teeth to prevent tooth decay. It also helps restore your mouth’s pH balance, reducing the amount of acid solution that affects the teeth.
Fluoride can be applied at the dentist’s office or home. Fluoride treatments are not a substitute for proper oral hygiene practices, but they may help you keep up with those healthy habits all on your own!
Fluoride treatment is a simple process that can be done in your dentist’s office. First, a dentist near you will clean your teeth. This removes any plaque or tartar on your teeth that could prevent the fluoride from getting to your tooth enamel. Next, a fluoride gel, foam, or varnish will be applied to your teeth. The type of fluoride used will depend on the severity of your tooth decay and your dentist’s recommendations. The gel or foam is left on the teeth for 30 minutes before rinsing out to help the teeth absorb the mineral.
People with orthodontic appliances often require fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a mineral found in the mouth that helps strengthen the teeth and prevent decay. If you have braces, they will typically wear them for six months or more at a time, so you may need to get fluoride treatment on top of your routine twice a year.
If you have had orthodontic work done on your teeth, ask your dentist in 34761 about whether any additional professional care would benefit keeping certain areas healthy—and if so, how often!
Regular dental checkups help identify problems early, making them less likely to become severe later. Your dentist in Ocoee can also provide fluoride treatments for people who don’t brush or floss regularly.
Fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, helps strengthen tooth enamel by reducing cavities, gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue), sensitivity, and decay-causing bacteria buildup on teeth.
Gum recession happens when the gums pull away from the teeth. This can lead to tooth loss, so it’s important to treat gum disease and trauma early on. If you have gum recession, Dr. Freddy Mezquia will recommend fluoride treatment for your teeth if you haven’t already been getting it regularly.
Plague buildup in your mouth is bad for your teeth because it can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque buildup also makes it harder for you to chew food properly, which can cause tooth decay.
If you’re prone to cavities, fluoride treatment is recommended. Those susceptible to cavities or many fillings should also be treated.
If you have had many previous cavities, tooth enamel may need to be stronger for cavity prevention with fluorides alone. You may also need other treatments like sealants for proper tooth protection against decay.
When there is insufficient saliva in the mouth, it becomes harder for the teeth to stay clean. Bacteria and other particles can quickly build up on the teeth, leading to cavities. Additionally, saliva helps neutralize mouth acids that can break down tooth enamel. These acids can eat away at the teeth without enough saliva and cause cavities.
Finally, dry mouth can also cause problems with the gums. Gum tissue that is not adequately lubricated can become irritated and inflamed, eventually forming cavities beneath the gum line.
If you have a dry mouth, try drinking more water to help relieve symptoms. Furthermore, the use of fluoride strengthens the teeth and supplies them teeth with the necessary minerals.
It is important to note that fluoride treatment does have some side effects, but these occur when there is n overdose and are rare. Some side effects include discoloration of the teeth, weak and dense bones, and white spots on the teeth. It is vital to use fluoride treatment in the recommended amounts, especially in children. Visit a dental office in Ocoee for recommendations and instructions on the dosage of fluoride.
Visit Smiles of Ocoee for more information about fluoride treatment and what you can expect.