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Have you been told you snore loudly? Well, you might have sleep apnea. It is reported that about 25 percent of men and 10 percent of women suffer from sleep apnea, OSA in particular. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a disorder that occurs when the airways are blocked because the soft tissue in the throat collapse. This sleep disorder is characterized by explosive snoring, gasps, and grunts.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea can affect your quality of life as it leaves you feeling groggy, tired, have daytime sleepiness, and a lack of concentration. Furthermore, OSA can cause health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression.
OSA can be managed with home remedies like losing weight. However, if you have moderate OSA, our dentist in 34761 may recommend a sleep apnea appliance near you.
There are different types of sleep apnea appliances in Ocoee that can be used to manage the OSA symptom. However, the most effective and commonly used appliance is the Positive airway pressure (PAP).
1. CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPAP appliance blows air with continuous pressure into your throat when sleeping to keep the airways open. The CPAP machine consists of three parts, a mask to fit over the nose, a motor, and a large tube that connects the mask and motor.
The appliance helps to open up the airway and ease snoring and thereby improving the quality of sleep. You will also have a goodnight’s sleep and no daytime sleepiness.
While the machine is effective, it will take some time to get used to the device. Also, the CPAP appliance can cause soreness, dry mouth, nasal congestion, runny nose, nose bleeding, and stomach discomfort.
Not everyone can benefit from CPAP, so call Dr. Freddy Mezquia if you have the problems mentioned above. The dentist may adjust your appliance. But, at times, he may recommend other types.
2. Mouth devices
If you cannot tolerate the CPAP or have mild to moderate sleep apnea, mouth devices may be an effective treatment option.
The dentist chooses the most suitable device based on your dental need.
The two types of mouth devices that can be used include mandibular advancement devices and tongue retaining devices.
Visit a dental office in Ocoee regularly for adjustment and assessment of the gums when using these devices. Managing OSA needs a combination of appliances, and the dentist will help you choose a suitable option.
In some cases, the dentist may recommend lifestyle changes to help manage sleep apnea. Losing weight, exercising, and stopping smoking or alcohol can help reduce snoring and other OSA symptoms. Also, avoid sleeping on your back, and it makes snoring bad by obstructing your breathing.
If the appliances do not improve the symptoms, the dentist in Ocoee may recommend surgery and other forms of treatments.
The surgery options that can be used include tissue removal. The doctor will remove tissue for the top part of the throat and rear of the mouth. He may remove the tonsils too. This procedure helps to stop the vibration of the throat structure that causes snoring.
Tissue shrinkage is also another option for shrinking the tissues in the throat. This procedure is ideal for you if you have mild or moderate sleep apnea.
Jaw repositioning can also be done to move the jaw forward. This will enlarge the space behind the tongue and reduce the chances of obstruction.
Visit Smiles of Ocoee for an assessment and more information on the different sleep apnea dental appliance is ideal for you and how you can manage OSA.