How Is Fluoride Mineral Good for Oral Dental Health?

August 1, 2022

Has your dentist in 34761 recommended a fluoride treatment for maintaining good oral health? If you are visiting a dentist near you for the first time, it may be news to you that you need fluoride to sustain excellent oral health. However, fluoride treatment in Ocoee, FL, has existed for years, offering patients an opportunity to elevate their oral health through preventive dental care.

What Is Fluoride Treatment?

It is a dental protocol in preventive dentistry entailing re-mineralization. A dentist near you will introduce fluoride to your teeth’ enamel to encourage higher mineral absorption. Although these treatments are common in pediatric dentistry, adults too can benefit from fluoride for teeth.

What Does the Treatment Entail?

Your dentist in Ocoee will begin your treatment by cleaning the teeth’ surfaces. Fluoride will not be effective if you have plaque and tartar on your teeth. Ideally, many patients must undergo deep dental cleaning before fluoride treatment.

The administration of fluoride is a quick procedure. The dentist will apply fluoride varnish, paste, or gel on your teeth and leave it on for a few minutes. Afterward, you can leave the dental office in Ocoee and resume your everyday activities. However, you should avoid eating or drinking anything for the first 30 to 60 minutes after the treatment. This period will allow your enamels to absorb as much fluoride as possible.

How Soon Should You Brush Your Teeth After Fluoride Treatment?

Your dentist in Ocoee will give you tailored instructions on caring for your teeth after any dental protocol. After fluoride treatment, you should avoid brushing your teeth for the first 6 hours. However, if you can wait longer, you should. The idea is to allow direct interaction of the fluoride with your natural tooth structure to increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

How Does Fluoride Affect Your Dental Health?

The treatment entails administering fluoride minerals to teeth. Fluoride is a natural mineral responsible for establishing strong teeth. Besides, it creates a protective layer over enamels, significantly reducing the probability of dental cavities. In fact, our dentists at Smiles of Ocoee will tell you that fluoride treatment can reverse cavities in their early stages. Therefore, when Dr. Freddy Mezquia administers the treatment, any cavities that were beginning to form will reverse, maintaining healthy teeth structures.

All these benefits of the treatment work because fluoride encourages mineral absorption. Ideally, when you eat and drink nutritious meals, they provide nutrients and minerals to your mouth and body. The fluoride on teeth will ensure that your teeth’ mineral intake is substantial. This buildup of healthy minerals helps maintain strong and healthy teeth, increasing their resistance to bacterial and acidic action in the mouth.

How Often Do You Need Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is only safe for your oral health when used in the right dosages. Therefore, you should not over-consume fluoride only to keep your teeth strong and healthy. A dentist near you will recommend getting the treatment once every three to six months. It depends on your underlying oral needs. For example, patients with dry mouth syndrome, diabetes, or periodontal disease may need fluoride treatment more than other people.

Besides, fluoride treatment alone cannot keep your teeth strong and healthy. You must follow it up with other dental health measures like routine teeth brushing, flossing, dental cleanings, and exams. On top of that, your food choices and lifestyle habits will directly impact your teeth’ health. Therefore, to get the most out of your routine fluoride treatments, consider the following factors:

  1. Quit smoking and other tobacco consumptions.
  2. Cut back on your alcohol consumption.
  3. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist, flush out toxins and overcome acidity.
  4. Get fluoride from natural sources – for example, fluoridated tap water, foods boiled in water, and fish with bones. Further, consider taking fluoride supplements and use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to keep your mouth clean.
  5. Consider dental sealants – to protect your back teeth from dental cavities.
  6. Consume healthy nutritious meals daily.
  7. Do not skip dental appointments for teeth cleaning and dental exams.
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